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What a Wonderful World

Tiny Home

A Year of Wildlife and Nature Part 2 from Lee Conwell


It was a pleasure to introduce you to local wildlife photographer and friend Lee Conwell last year and we received lots of lovely feedback about Lee’s wonderful photographs.


Naturally, we are delighted to bring you another set of stunning photographs which Lee has taken in the countryside around Tiny Home Borders throughout the year.


We hope that you enjoy A Year of Wildlife at Tiny Home Part 2 as much as we do.

“I hope that you enjoy some great wildlife spotting while you are at Tiny Home and if you are interested in keeping in touch with what is happening throughout the year wildlife wise, you can always follow me on Instagram.

If you like what you see, I do sell my prints or canvasses, feel free to get in touch if there’s something in particular that you are looking for”.

Lee Conwell, wildlife photographer


Another reason to stay in the Scottish Borders is that we have incredible dark skies with very little light pollution.


We witnessed the Northern Lights with Ruberslaw in the foreground. A beautiful sight to behold. 


Daffodil in the sunrise, this is an amazing time of year with lovely, longer days. Stunning sunrises and sunset skies complement the spring flowers on show. 


Here is a beautifully coloured Jay, very common in the Hallrule area and often chasing the Buzzards, they are opportunists for food with an unmistakable screech.


Tawny owl sitting watch as the light fades for a night hunting in the forest very hard to see but a sight to behold.


A family of stoats makes it way down the track leading to Tiny Home squeaking and playing as they go, always worth looking out early in the morning in the hedgerows for these little ones. 


Kingfisher stopped for a breather on the stony embankment. I was very lucky to capture it as they are not known to stay still for long.


A very delightful scene at Hallrule Farm this year a stunning field of sunflowers and wildflowers, it was full of birds and mammals.


The Harvest Moon lights up the sky with a little break in the clouds leaving a rainbow effect, absolutely stunning.


Here we have the smallest bird found here, a Gold Crest very hard to spot and photograph as they are always on the move.


Blackbird in the first snow of winter always in the hedgerows eating berries and fruits filling the air with their songs.


Ruberslaw looks like a winter wonderland with snow and winter colours in the sky at sunrise, absolutely stunning at this time of year.


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